Primary Menu Items
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- File
- Edit
- View
- Go
- Bookmarks
- Options
- Directory
- Window
- Help
- Pop-up Menu
- New Web Browser
Creates a new Netscape window. This window has the same history
items as the previous window and displays the oldest page in the
history (usually the home page) to screen.
- New Mail Message
Lets you create and send a new mail message in the Message
Composition window.
- Mail Document... (or Mail Frame...)
Lets you create and send a mail message in the Message Composition
window with the current page automatically attached. The content
field contains the page's URL. The subject field contains the page's
- Open Location...
Lets you enter a URL to display the specified page in the content
area. Every page has a unique URL that identifies its protocol,
server, and file pathname.
- Open File...
Lets you select a file to open.
- Save as... (or Save Frame as...)
Lets you save a file that contains the current Netscape page
contents. You can save the page in plain text format or in source
(HTML) format.
- Upload File...
Lets you select a file to upload to the FTP server specified by
the current URL. The command is only active when the current page
accesses an FTP site. Alternatively, you can upload files to the FTP
site by dragging and dropping files from the desktop to the Netscape
window. Write permission is required.
- Page Setup...
Lets you specify printing characteristics associated with the
current page.
- Print... (or Print Frame...)
Prints the content area of the current Netscape page. You can
select various printing characteristics.
- Print Preview
Previews the printed page on screen.
- Close
Closes the current Netscape page and exits the Netscape
application when you close the last page.
- Exit
Closes the current Netscape page and exits the Netscape
- Undo
Reverses the last action you performed, when possible.
- Cut...
Removes the current selection and places a copy on the
- Copy
Places a copy of the current selection on the clipboard.
- Paste
Puts the clipboard contents into the current Netscape page at the
position of the selection marker.
- Select All
Creates a selection composed of the entire contents of the area
occupied by the selection marker.
- Find...
Lets you specify a word or phrase to locate within the current
Netscape page. Press the Find button to begin the search. If a
match is found, the text is selected and, if necessary, scrolled to a
visible position in the content area. If the Match Case option is checked, the case of
each letter must match; otherwise a match can occur regardless of
case. Check the Up or Down radio button to
direct the search toward the beginning or end of the document. If
there is a current selection, the search begins at the selection and
does not wrap around to the opposite end of the document.
- Find Again
Searches for another occurrence of the text specified
after using Find.
- Reload
Brings a fresh copy of the current Netscape page to replace the
one originally loaded. Netscape checks the network server to see if
any change to the page has occurred. If there's no change, the fresh
copy is retrieved from the cache. If there's a change, the fresh
copy is transmitted from the network server and the reloaded page
displays the updated page contents. If you press the Reload
button while holding down the Shift key,
Netscape retrieves a fresh version from the network server regardless
of whether the page has been updated (the cache is not used).
- Reload Frame
Brings a fresh copy of the currently selected page within a single
frame on a Netscape page containing frames. In other respects, the
command operates the same as Reload.
- Load Images
Displays images of the current Netscape page. Typically, images
automatically load into pages. However, if the Options|Auto Load
Images menu item is unchecked when a page loads, a small icon is
substituted at the position of each image. Choosing Load
Images replaces all small icons with their corresponding images.
Images are loaded from their source files, however the page is not
reloaded (links to images are not updated from the source page).
- Refresh
Brings a fresh copy of the current Netscape page from
local memory to replace the one originally loaded. The refreshed page
does not display changes made to the source page from the time of the
original loading.
- Document Source
Produces a View Source window showing the current page in the
format of HTML (HyperText Markup Language). The HTML source text
includes the commands used to create the content and content style of
a single page. You can specify an
application of your choice to view the source text (bypassing the
viewer window). Choose the Options|General|Applications menu
item to find the View Source field and a Browse button
to specify the location of the viewing application you wish to use as
the default viewer.
- Document Info
Produces a page in a separate Netscape
window stating the current document's structure and composition
including title, location (URL), date of last modification, character
set encoding, and security status. Secure documents specify the type
of encryption used and certificate data. The certificate states the
version, serial number, issuer (identity of the certifier), and
subject (identity of the server).
- Back
Displays the previous page in the history list. A history list
references a hierarchy of pages you have viewed.
- Forward
Displays the next page in the history list. If you have used
Back or a history menu item to bring back a page, then
Forward brings the page ahead in the history list.
Forward is only offered after using Back or a history
- Home
Displays the home page whose location is specified in the General
Preferences|Appearance panel. The AT&T WorldNet Service home page is the default.
- Stop Loading
Halts the connection in progress to display a page.
- History items
The Go menu appends the title of each page in the history
list as a menu item. Choose the menu item to display the page. Choose
Window|History to view the history list.
- Add Bookmark
Adds the title of the current Netscape page to the list of pages
in the bookmark file. The Bookmarks menu grows as you add bookmarks.
Initially, the menu contains two items: one that adds a bookmark item
and another to view the Bookmarks window. Bookmarks are stored as a
list and represented by a bookmark file on your hard disk. The
bookmarks list can be viewed in the Bookmarks window. For a complete
description of bookmarks and the tools for working with bookmarks,
see the section on Mail, News, and Bookmarks.
- Go to Bookmarks
Displays the Bookmarks window (the same as choosing
- Bookmark items
The Bookmarks menu appends an item with the title of each
page you add as a bookmark. Choose the menu item to display the page.
Choose Window|Bookmarks to view the bookmark list.
- General Preferences...
Presents a dialog box containing tab buttons for selecting
preference items. Each tab presents one or more panels that help you
define Netscape's operation. The General Preferences panels
cover a broad set of preference items. Panels for other preference
items are displayed by subsequent menu items. Click the OK
button to close the dialog box while accepting any changes in panel
settings. Click Apply, if available, to accept changes without
closing the dialog. Click Cancel to close the dialog box
without accepting any changes. Click Defaults to reset panel
items to initial out-of-box settings. Click Help, if
available, for online help information about each panel.
- Mail and News Preferences...
Presents the tabbed panels for setting mail and news preference items.
- Network Preferences...
Presents the tabbed panels for setting preference items regarding cache,
network connections, and proxy configurations.
- Security Preferences...
Presents the tabbed panels for setting preference items for security
- Show Toolbar
Toggles the visibility of the toolbar buttons. If checked, the
toolbar buttons are visible.
- Show Location
Toggles the visibility of the location (URL) field. If checked,
the location is visible.
- Show Directory Buttons
Toggles the visibility of the Directory menu buttons. If
checked, the buttons are visible.
- Show Java Console
Displays the Java Console window. Some Java programs might display
information here.
- Auto Load Images
Toggles the presentation of inline images as a page is brought to
screen. If checked, images embedded in a page are automatically
loaded. If unchecked, images are not loaded and are instead
represented by small icons that can be loaded by choosing
View|Load Images or Images from the toolbar. Unchecking
this item increases the speed for displaying page text.
- Document Encoding
Lets you select which character set encoding a document uses when
document encoding is either not specified or unavailable. The
proportional and fixed fonts associated with the default encoding are
designated using the General Preferences|Fonts panel items.
- Save Options
Saves any changes made to the settings of the Options menu
(not including the preferences panels whose items are saved by
pressing OK). Changes remain in effect for subsequent Netscape
- At Home
Your connection with a world of information, entertainment, and fun stuff.
- At Work
Your online business resource.
- AT&T WorldNet Newsgroups
Connectivity with Internet newsgroups.
- AT&T WorldNet User Directory
Your connection with other AT&T WorldNet members.
- AT&T WorldNet Internet Directories
Where to look for the latest on the Internet, including Harley Hahn's favorite sites.
- AT&T WorldNet Telephone Directories
Access to nationwide business and residence directories, including 800 numbers.
- AT&T WorldNet Search Tools
Access to Internet search tools.
- AT&T WorldNet Mail
Displays the Mail window.
- AT&T WorldNet News
Displays the News window.
- Address Book
Displays an Address Book window where you can create and modify
files containing email addresses.
- Bookmarks
Displays a Bookmarks window where you can create and modify
bookmark files.
- History
Displays a History window that lists, in two columns, the title
and URL of each page you have recently viewed. The history list is
sorted with the most recently viewed pages at the top. One item in
the list is always selected. Pressing the Go to button, or
double-clicking an item, brings the selected page back to the screen.
Pressing the Add to Bookmark button puts the selected page
into the bookmark list.
- Window items
Makes the selected window item the frontmost window. Each open
window is listed as a menu item. The menu item name is derived from
the window's type and title. The current window is designated with a
check mark.
- About Netscape
Version, copyright, and license information about the Netscape
- About AT&T WorldNet Service...
Version, copyright, and license information about the AT&T WorldNet Service software.
- Netscape Navigator Handbook
Direct access to a local copy of the Netscape Navigator Handbook, including tutorial and reference sections and links to chapter contents and index entries.
- Where to Get More Help
Direct connection to AT&T WorldNet Customer Service, providing technical support, answers to frequently asked questions, and more.
Clicking the right mouse button produces a pop-up
menu with items that are shortcuts for several commands.
The items in the menu depend on the type or contents of the window you
are on. For example, when pressing the mouse button over a link, menu
items refer to the page specified by the link; over an image, menu
items refer to the image file specified by the image; over a pane in
the Mail or News window, menu items apply specifically to mail or
news features. When a frame is selected, Back and
Forward menu items refer to the individual frame.
- Back (or Back in Frame) (Same as Go|Back item)
Displays the previous page in the history list.
- Forward (or Forward in Frame) (Same as Go|Forward item)
Displays the next page in the history list.
- Open this Link (filename)
Displays the specified page.
- Add Bookmark for this Link
Creates a bookmark in the bookmark list for the specified page.
- New Window with this Link
Displays the specified page into a newly opened window instead of
the current window.
- Save this Link as...
Saves the specified page to disk (instead of displaying on
- Copy this Link Location
Copies the specified page location (URL) to the clipboard.
- Open this Image (filename)
Displays the specified image.
- Save this Image as...
Saves the specified image to disk (instead of displaying on
- Copy this Image Location
Copies the specified image location (URL) to the clipboard.
- Load this Image
Displays the specified image. (Replaces an image icon with the
corresponding image like the View|Load Images menu item.).
- Create Shortcut (Windows 95 only)
Displays the Create Internet Shortcuts dialog box preset
with information about the current page. To create a Internet
shortcut icon on your desktop, you can accept the current information
or supply a new description and URL for any page you wish. After you
have created the icon, you can click it to open Netscape with the
shortcut page automatically loaded.
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>> Index
Copyright © 1994-1996 Netscape Communications Corporation.